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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Secretory factors

Well, my curiosities on the stem-cell niche, their locations and their interconnecting functions etc are just ignited me to look are there any ‘secretory factors’ play role for this part. Indeed.. significantly there are some ‘secretory factors’ which play important role in the disorders of stem-cell niche.

References: (from top to below)

For picture 1:

Please click here for complete paper from David T. Scadden

For pictures 2, 3 and 4:

Please click here for complete paper from Michael L. Cher, etal
any opinions?

thought provoking glossaries and reference pitures

Today while started to read some articles about stem-cell nice interestingly I came across to read some elegant, thought provoking glossaries, from the team Rosandra Kaplan

Here are those:

Osteoblastic niche*: is also referred to as endosteal niche, located within the Bone Marrow that regulates stem-cell cycling and promotes quiescence. This niche is also associated with the vascular niche.

Vascular niche: a second niche for Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSC)within the Bone Marrow. This niche is also associated with the Osteoblasic niche and their cellular subsequent process. It is thought to be where activated HSCs migrate to for proliferation and egress to the circulation.

Ischaemic niche*: site in the periphery, which direct site-specific recruitment of bone-marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) for tissue repair and new vessel formation.

Primary tumour niche: where BMDCs home to sites within tumours, where they are integral for angiogenic processes promoting growth and progression of malignancy.

Pre-metastatic niche: primary tumour directs early changes occurring within sites of future metastasis prior to the arrival of disseminating tumour cells, which lead to the formation of clusters of VEGF receptor 1+ Haematopoietic Progenitor Cells (HPC) and priming of the tissue to receive tumour cells.

- >secondary tumour or metastasis<-

Stem-cell niche: a physiologically defined microenvironment, both supportive and regulatory, that via cell–cell interaction can regulate balanced self renewal, differentiation and stem-cell quiescence.

-> BMDCs i.e., bone-marrow-derived cells is a term which is meant for both haematopoietic and endothelial bone-marrow-derived cells.

(*) both the ischaemic and the osteoblastic niche are thought to be act as physiological niche, apart from the general / normal stem-cell niche.

References: (from top to below)

For pictures 1 and 2:

Please click here for complete paper from David T. Scadden

For picture 3:

Please click here for complete paper from Rosandra N. Kaplan, etal

Seems like they’re interconnecting each other niche / functions by overlapping sets of molecules and pathways as well as due to influence of their surrounding factors.

what's your view?

finally's happened..!

Until this date I have managed to do the posting with the help of using the portable USB disc (copying the PDF articles from university computer room and bringing them to home computer…reading and posting…). After a long time follow-ups and discussion, last week i got the internet connection at home computer. Though the speed are very dump and no fast (so its helping me to learn about how to optimise computer memory as well as way to gear up the internet speed,...), however, now I am getting some kinds of (pseudo) satisfaction that I am having internet connection at home computer, finally!!!