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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

multiple role of a transcription factor : connecting metastasis and stem-cell niche/microenvironment ..

Development of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and their immediate progeny is maintained by the interaction with cells in the microenvironment. But how the transcription factors involve to regulate the hematopoietic progenitor cell niche was remains unclear. In this phase, Suh etal have demontsrated the cell non-autonomous function of Id1 in the hematopoietic progenitor cell niche by using the knock-out mouse model. Here one practical tip is that Id1-/- stromal cells showed altered production of cytokines in vitro as well as the cytokine levels were deregulated in vivo, which could responsible for the Id1-/- hematopoietic phenotypes. Furthermore, the research group are also adding further more enthusiasms by utilising the ID genes families, which function is required for the mobilization of endothelial precursor cells from the bone marrow during the pathological tumor angiogenesis, and the expression of these genes remains high in tumor vasculature ( Shaked Y etal in Science 2006 and Lyden etal in Nature 1999). Here there is an another interesting point; that one is (continue below.!)

Two years ago…

the same gene has also been shown to mediates tumor reinitiation during breast cancer lung metastasis, which was done by Joan Massague

Nevertheless, the whole concepts were also developing number of curiosity questions as well such as: are there any relationship between ID genes and pre-metastatic niche?
does the altered production of the cytokines has any role with the quiescent stem- cells? Does the ID genes also play any role to establish the ‘cancer stem-cell niche’? if the ID genes does role on tumor reinitiation means does it also play any role for modifying and or creating the tumor (favourable) microenvironment? …!